Who we are

About Theatre Hullabaloo

Theatre Hullabaloo is a pioneering organisation that makes, tours & promotes theatre for young audiences, aged 0 – 16 years old, because we believe that they are the most important audience of all.

We create pioneering work which puts the young person at the heart of the creative process. Our work is driven by the belief that young audiences have an entitlement to theatre of the highest quality which inspires the imagination and challenges the mind.

Theatre Hullabaloo believes that going to the theatre should be part of everyone’s childhood, so we not only work closely with specialist creative teams embedding young people’s contributions at every stage of the artistic process to make and tour our own shows, we also support artists who want to develop work for young audiences and venues who want to offer great theatre for families.

“Our vision is of a world where art and creativity for children is as brilliant and inspiring as they are and is a fundamental part of everybody’s childhood. Children have a right to art that reflects and challenges their experiences and helps them to understand and make meaning in an increasingly complicated world. We use creativity to support children and the grown-ups in their lives, to have joyful, affirming experiences together that support them to be the best they can be for each other”

Miranda Thain, Artistic Producer

About our work

We make all our work in collaboration with partners who bring additional value to our projects and who share our child-centred values.

We believe that access to high quality theatre is a cultural entitlement of all children. Through our work in communities, we create unique creative opportunities that enrich young lives and support young people to negotiate an increasingly complicated world.

We are a registered charity and a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England and are proud to bring our work to children in schools and venues in some of the most deprived areas of the country.

Our team

Theatre Hullabaloo Team

Mark Hollander

Interim Chief Executive Officer

Miranda Thain

Artistic Producer

In her current role, Miranda leads the artistic programme and learning and research elements of Theatre Hullabaloo’s work, including the development and mentorship of artists. Miranda has a particular interest in the role of imaginative play in the lives of very young children.

Miranda has commissioned and produced more than 45 shows for, by and with children and young people.

Jacqui Nicholson (Maternity Cover)

General Manager

Elizabeth Hogarth (Maternity Leave)

General Manager

Beccy Dixon

Finance Officer

Sarah Churlish (Maternity Leave)

Senior Programme Manager

Emily Mitchell (Maternity Leave)

Programme Officer

Laura Turner

Programme Officer

Hannah Hyland

Programme Assistant

Jessica Owen

Marketing and Audience Development Manager

Freya Mawhinney

Marketing Assistant

Ali Rigby-Roberts

Senior Production Manager

Beatrice Mackintosh

Technical Assistant

Chloe Stott

Place to Play Producer

Gina Ruffin

Programme Officer

Dr Paige Davis

Research Fellow

Theatre Hullabaloo Board of Trustees

Simon James

Chair of the Board of Trustees, Professor of English Durham University

Simon joined Durham University, where he is currently Professor of Victorian Literature, in 1999. His academic work to date has largely focussed on late Victorian fiction following the 1870 Education Act: He has published on George Gissing, Victorian bestsellers and on H. G. Wells as an educational prophet. Simon is currently writing a book on Charles Dickens and childhood memory. He was Head of the Department of English Studies from 2015 to 2017, and led on DU’s strategy for Wider Student Experience. From 2017-19 he was the Principal Investigator for the Durham Commission on Creativity and Education, in partnership with Arts Council England. In his  spare time, he likes to read, walk, and watch films (although he does stress, not at the same time).

Kerami Roberts

Disability and Access Advocacy, Qualified Music Teacher

Michael Costelloe

Chartered Legal Executive

Supriya Nagarajan

Founder & Artistic Director of Manasamitran

Supriya Nagarajan is a UK based vocalist/composer who creates cross- cultural cross-genre concept driven immersive music work. She has toured the globe and created work for festivals like the hcmf//, Ultima Oslo and Iceland Symphony Orchestra. She is a Performing Rights Society/Jerwood composer and an alumni of New voices 2018 Sound and Music. She is the Artistic Director of Manasamitra, a UK based arts charity and a passionate advocate for fair access in the music sector. Apart from releasing a lockdown album Dusk Notes and an album Drifting Slowly on Café Oto label Takuroku, forthcoming releases are on the Leeds based Come Play With Me label. Supriya also runs a mentoring program for Composers of Colour and has recently been selected as one of the Wonder Women of 2021 by The Women & Home magazine for her work in the music sector. She also hosts a brand new  radio show on Worlwide FM. When Supriya is not in the music world you can find her trying something new in the kitchen or walking amongst trees somewhere.

Amy Lyons

Mortgage and Protection Specialist