Support Us

Our reach and impact

If you love what we do and would like to support us, please find details on how to do this below.

“Engagement with the arts from an early age has a profound impact on improving happiness and wellbeing.”

Arts Council England: Children and Young People and the National Portfolio

Theatre Hullabaloo reaches more than 20,000 children and young people every year with high quality theatre experiences that inspire their imaginations, challenge their minds and extend their learning.

Our work is heavily subsidised by a range of partners and funders so that we can ensure that access to high quality arts experiences are available to all children and young people, particularly those in the most deprived areas of the North East.

We are particularly passionate about the impact of creativity in early years where its effect on the development of cognitive and social skills amongst very young children is well evidenced. We now know that those early experiences have a physical impact on brain development and the life chances of those children. Creativity in early years, from birth to 6 years old in particular, is an art form strength of Theatre Hullabaloo, The Hullabaloo and the TakeOff Festival and we want to bring these opportunities to children and families who will benefit most.

Funders help us expand our work to reach more children and young people in areas of greatest need and provide subsidy and support for families on limited incomes to take part.

We are proud to be supported by funders, sponsors and business investors to make a difference to children in their communities.

We couldn't do it without you

Theatre Hullabaloo are a registered charity and we rely on your generous donations to support us to bring theatre to more children.

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Take a Seat

Dedicating a seat can make an ideal gift for yourself, a friend or family member and is a great way of supporting the present and the future of The Hullabaloo.

With only 150 seats within the auditorium, you will feel part of an exclusive club alongside our other seat donors.

For your donation you will receive an engraved plaque bearing your name (or the name of your choice if a gift) and a message on the backrest of your chosen seat, plus a commemorative certificate.

Seat sponsorship lasts for about 10 years. Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Donations can be paid in one lump sum or be paid across 10 monthly instalments.

click here for Take a Seat options

Raise donations for Theatre Hullabaloo when you shop

Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for your favourite cause. Just start your online shopping first at easyfundraising, then shop as normal. Retailers will then make a small donation to say “thank you”.

It’s simple and free to use – it won’t cost you an extra penny to help us raise funds.


Click here to register and start shopping

Our home - The Hullabaloo

The Hullabaloo, is a venue specially designed for young people and their families in the North East and is home to Theatre Hullabaloo.

The ambitious project has been created within an Edwardian Fire Station on a site adjacent to the newly opened Darlington Hippodrome. As a national centre of theatre for young audiences and an inspiring place to play and learn, it presents world-class performances for children, houses interactive creative play installations, offers a wide range of creative opportunities and classes for families, and is a focal point for creative education.

The venue includes a 150-seat studio theatre, creative play installation space, family café area, rehearsal studio and external play space.

The Hullabaloo is a partnership between Theatre Hullabaloo and Darlington Borough Council. After an 18-month build period The Hullabaloo opened to the public on Tuesday 12 December 2017.

The total cost for the capital development is £2.7m and is funded mainly through grants from Arts Council England, Darlington Borough Council and Trusts & Foundations. We are still actively fundraising for the Capital project and still have around £200,000 to raise. If you are a business or individual that would like to hear more about the Capital fundraising opportunities, please contact Miranda Thain on 01325 405680.

“The Hullabaloo is a new venue specially designed for young people and their families in the north east. ”

Miranda Thain, Artistic Producer


A very large thank you to all of our supporters. We couldn’t do what we do without your generous support.
