The Forest Dream
Journey into the mystical world of Aranyani with Indian classical dance, storytelling and a fun eco-craft activity!
Stage: Ladybird
For ages 6 years +, 30 minutes,
Free, no need to book
Date and Time:
Saturday 27 July 2024, 12.30pm & 2pm
Step into a world of wonder with our unique storytelling and Indian classical dance workshops led by Kuchipudi (Indian classical dance) dancer, Payal Ramchandani and captivating storyteller Elena Joy Miller! This transformative experience is designed to educate, activate, and illuminate children’s lives.
Discover the Goddess of forests – Aranyani’s tale, come to life through the blend of Indian classical dance and vivid narrative. Payal, the only professional Kuchipudi dancer in the North East, guides participants through intricate movements and expressive gestures along with Elena’s vibrant storytelling skills, igniting imagination.
Children embark on a cultural exploration and take home seed bombs that they will make as part of the session enabling them to cherish the planet a little more.
This performance has been created specifically for children aged 6+ but all the family are welcome to come along.
Content Warning: Seed activity uses wild seed and soil
The Forest Dream
Ages: 6 - 10
Showing at: Hullabaloo in the Park
Dates: 27 Jul
Length: 30 minutes