Daisy Donald

In a musical world of monsters, rollercoasters and invisible capes, Type 1 Daisy sets off on a remarkable journey of learning about disabilities and difference.

Fri 11 October – 10am (Sold Out) & 1pm (schools) &
Saturday 12 October 11am & 1.30pm (families)
Duration: 50 minutes
Tickets: £7 per person / £24 group ticket

Daisy Donald is bright, bold and full of fun but she’s also hiding a secret…that she lives with Type 1 Diabetes, an invisible disability. When Daisy’s world starts to goes very grey, will she be ready for an adventure with 3 sneaky, shuffly monsters Moe, Sky and Eddy?

Adapted for the stage from Jade Byrne’s much-loved book, this brand-new family show takes you on a remarkable journey of learning about disabilities and difference, filled with take-home songs and positive messages of acceptance. Through her fantastical world of music and learning to Ride the Rollercoaster – when Daisy needs to be brave, will she learn how to find her invisible superhero cape and save the day?

Blackbird Creative Arts’ motto is: ‘changing the world one story at a time’. As a theatre producing company based in Darlington, they’re best known for Jade Byrne’s uplifting and funny show ‘Pricks’ which challenged perspectives about Type 1 Diabetes and toured nationally between 2018 and 2022, including a successful run at the Edinburgh Fringe. Each Blackbird Creative Arts project works extensively with multi-talented artists, participants, and other people with lived experience of the theme, finding creative ways to share everyone’s story too. Each piece takes a small army to create, but hits home with the world.