Wicked Wednesday Hulla-ween Spooky Storytelling

Join one of our fabulous regular Hullabaloo storytellers, Chris Connaughton, as he takes you on a Hulla-ween journey into a fairytale forest.

Wed 30 October
10.15am – 3-7 years
11.30am – 3-10 years
1.30pm – 3-7 years
Tickets: £3 per person

There will be spooky stories. We’ll add in some of your ideas. Maybe we’ll even cast a witchy spell or two together. Who will we meet? Which paths shall we take? The ideas are up to you, with a little bit of Chris’ help.

With Chris’ phantom-themed fun, expect to enjoy super storytelling, marvelous movement and ghoulish games!

We can’t wait!

Chris Connaughton is an actor/writer/storyteller specialising in work for primary-aged children and their families from Early Years to Key Stage 2. He has been producing stories, plays, and books for young people for over 25 years and is delighted to make a spooky return to Theatre Hullabaloo this Hulla-ween!