Storytelling: The Tortoise & The Hare

Join us online for a FREE storytelling session with Chris Connaughton 10am - NO SPACES AVAILABLE New time added 11am - NO SPACES AVAILABLE

Storytelling: The Tortoise & The Hare

Choose a side – who will win, the Hare or the Tortoise? Join our interactive zoom session with Chris Connaughton as he tells this Aesop’s Fables classic tale.

You can also watch our how to craft video to make your own hare and tortoise creations to bring along to the session (please see below)

Date: 18 Feb
Time: 10am (FULL) 11am (FULL)
Duration: 30 mins
Age: 3+  and grown-ups
Price: FREE but places must be booked in advance. Spaces are booked per device and not per child.

To reserve your space please use the booking form below. Spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Your email address and contact number will only be used for the purpose of this booking including to send you a short post-event feedback link.

Please note that this session will take place via Zoom and login details will be sent to you nearer the time. Although this session is not being recorded, other people in the group may be able to see and hear you.


    Name of person making the booking

    Email address:

    Contact tel number:

    Time required:

    Number of spaces/devices required

    Number of children attending

    Number of adults attending

    Craft video - flags

    Watch as artist, Elaine Robertson, shows us how to make paper flags, perfect for cheering on Team Hare or Team Tortoise in our storytelling session on the 18 Feb.


    Materials you will need to make your paper flags

    • Plain or coloured card
    • Colouring pens or pencils
    • Sticky tape
    • Pritt stick
    • Scissors
    • A stick

    Adult supervision will be required for this activity