Let’s Play

We are now accepting referrals for Let’s Play, our socially-prescribed play programme for parents and carers of little ones 0-24 months.

Let’s Play is a 12 week sing and play programme designed to creatively support parents and carers of younger children. Each session welcomes parents / carers and their babies to a fun, informal chance to make friends, have a cuppa and enjoy some creative fun together. It is fully funded by NHS TEWV and the British Academy and forms part of Theatre Hullabaloo’s programme of work which is designed to boost parental confidence, mental health and support families with concerns about speech and language delays.

The sessions are free, but places are limited and referrals can be made through your GP, Health Visitor, Social Prescribing Link Worker or through other partner organisations. You can also refer yourself if you feel you would benefit from the programme, please keep an eye on our socials as we will be opening self referrals from mid April if any spaces are available.

Please note, self-referral places are only available for people who have NOT attended the programme before.

If you are a third party and would like to make a referral for the next Let’s Play programme, please download and complete the referral form via the link below. Email the completed form to info@theatrehullabaloo.org.uk.

Click here to download our leaflet for more information.

Click here to download our referral form.

What is Let’s Play?

The programme includes:
• A free Hullabaloo Baby Play Pack
• An opportunity to attend music and play
sessions at The Hullabaloo
• Free online resources to support the
Play Pack and give you extra ideas for
creative fun at home

How do I get involved?
Places are free but limited, please speak to your GP, Health Visitor or Social Prescribing Link Worker to get involved.

Dates: Every Friday from 3 May – 19 July 2024
9.30-10.30am • 11.15am-12.15pm
(0-24 months and their parents / care givers

If you would like to know more about taking part, please email play@theatrehullabaloo.org.uk or ring 01325 405680 for a
friendly chat about the programme