Theatre Hullabaloo works with teachers across the North East to bring high quality theatre into schools to support learning and emotional and social development.
Advisory teachers help us in the development of shows and learning resources and we carry out lots of development workshops in local schools.
Why work with Theatre Hullabaloo?
Theatre Hullabaloo is the North East’s specialist producer of theatre for children and young people, funded by Arts Council England to create work for children, young people and families.
We have an established reputation as one of the UK’s leading companies of its type and work with specialist creative teams, which often include advisory teachers or child development experts, who ensure that the work we make is suited to its target age range.
“The children were enthralled, [the show] really grabbed their attention and appealed to their imagination.”
Durham University Day Nursey
The Hullabaloo
In December 2017 we opened our purpose built venue in Darlington, The Hullabaloo.
The Hullabaloo is a venue designed for children, young people and their families. it presents the best theatre specially made for young audiences, exciting new creative play installations, storytelling and much more.
We are proud that The Hullabaloo is bringing arts experiences to the lives of so many children and all our shows are supported by comprehensive learning resources which include pre and post show lesson plans and are developed with our advisory teachers to ensure our visit is properly integrated into the National Curriculum.
“We’re so lucky to have this theatre.”
Audience Member, The Hullabaloo, 2017
Available to book
Book now to bring your class to The Hullabaloo, the only dedicated children’s theatre company north of London.
Your Visit
We support your visit to The Hullabaloo by offering:
- Buy 10 tickets and get the 11th free
- A space to eat packed lunches
- Follow-up activities and learning resources
Please contact Theatre Hullabaloo on 01325 405680 to book a show or for more information on school bookings.
Arts Award with Theatre Hullabaloo
We are very proud that Theatre Hullabaloo is an Arts Award Centre and able to support our audiences and visitors to achieve their Arts Award.
We have a team of trained moderators ready to help you build your Arts Award package for Discover and Explore with us. If you’re also looking for higher levels please get in touch as we can develop packages around these too.