February Half-Term fun

12 Jan ’23

Join us this February Half-Term to explore the power of friendships!

Play in Two Days
Mon 20th & Tues 21st Feb / 10am-3pm
Suitable for 6-10 years
£35 per child / additional sibling £30

Making up, breaking up. We all need friends.
Join Claire and Kieran to create a performance piece inspired by a wonderful Oliver Jeffers’ story that explores friendship.

Additional wrap around care available between
9am-10am / 3pm-4pm. £5 per child.
To find out more, click here.

Fabulous Friends: Storytelling with Elena
Wed 22nd Feb
10.15am & 11.15am: 2-4 years and their grown ups.
1.30pm: 3-7 years and their grown ups.
Duration: 30 mins
Tickets: £3 per person / free babe in arms ticket (under 12 months) with full priced adult.

Join our wonderful storyteller Elena Joy-Miller as she shared stories about having fun with friends.
Expect giggles, games and songs as well.
To find out more, click here.

How Long is a Piece of String?
Fri 24th Feb at 11am / Sat 25th Feb at 11am & 2pm
Suitable for 3-7 years and their grown ups.
Duration: 45 mins
Tickets: adult £7 / child £7 / group ticket £24
Free babe in arms ticket (under 12 months) with full priced adult

Join String and Strong as they create new sound and dance and try and understand each other and the world around them.
You can expect lots of laughs and fun!
To find out more, click here.