
Hare and Tortoise

Slow and steady wins the race in this new rendition of the much-loved tale of the flashy Hare and the modest Tortoise told through live storytelling with integrated British Sign Language.

This story-telling show starring Hullabaloo favourite, actor Chris Connaughton, alongside local star-signer and performer Jenna Johnson, will bring the timeless tale of Hare and Tortoise to Hullabaloo in the Park.

Choose Team Hare or Team Tortoise and be prepared to help tell the story in this exciting race to the finish for everyone aged 4 years and above.

Dates and times:
Wednesday 26th July
10am & 11.30am* Neurodiverse Performance

Thursday 27th July
10am & 11.30am

Duration: 40 minutes

Adult £5 / Child £5
Adults and Babe in Arms (under 12 months) £5

*Neurodiverse Performance
All audiences are welcome to book tickets for this show. The show itself will stay the same, however we hope to make families with neurodiverse children feel comfortable experiencing this performance. For more information on the show, please contact info@theatrehullabaloo.org.uk