Little Wonders: Improplay Interactions

Join us to play, create, imagine, move and dance together in the park

Improplay is a Theatre Hullabaloo Little Wonders commission for Hullabaloo in the Park.

An interactive journey to watch inspirational dance, then join in and make your own dance creation with us.

Draw your own dance map as you spot our 4 inspirational dance artists perform around the Park.

With opportunities to watch and join in, to create your very own 1-1 “Little Wonder(full) Dance”, before joining us in the main space to ‘Move & Create’ our very own dance together as a group, all ages welcome, no experience needed.

Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 July

Free and non-bookable for you to experience as you visit Hullabaloo in the Park

About ImproPlay Project

Improplay brings together young children, dance artists and educators in creative, reflective spaces exploring dance improvisation and the effects movement, imagination and play can have on learning and wellbeing. (Founder/Creator: Katy Hewison)